Friday, March 17, 2023

Viral Marketing Success

Viral Marketing Success Depends on Influence Networks! 

There are a lot of misconceptions regarding viral marketing. A lot of people have the idea that if they publish “great content”, whatever that means, that they automatically will get amazing traffic. I know it's kind of weird but people do still believe that idea. It seems so dated. It seems like something that people would believe in the 1990s, but you’d be surprised as to how many people still assume that marketing really boils down to great content.
I've got some bad news for you. Even if you have put in a tremendous amount of time polishing your content, it's still not good enough. 

Seriously. Even if a lot of people you know tell you that the content that you produce is top-notch, you're not there yet. 

How can I say this? Well, it all boils down to promotion. If you come up with amazing content, but there’s nobody around to read it, you might as well have not written that material. It really is that basic. You're going to get the same results. You're going to get a whole lot of nothing.

It all boils down to promotions. It’s not really the content itself, but where you plug that content into. This is the core of viral marketing. It's all about building an influence network or plugging into an existing one. 

If you don't know how this works or if you're completely clueless as to how great content interacts with distribution networks, you need professional help. You really do. You need to click here and get the most practical blueprint you can ever get your hands on so you can achieve the success you’re looking for. Otherwise, you're going to continue to take shots in the dark, and it's only a matter of time until you run out of cash, out of focus or out of luck.

It doesn't really matter how big your budget is. It doesn't really matter how talented your team is. If you do not have a clear realistic idea of how to identify and tap into influence networks with the right type of content, you're going to be wasting a lot of time.

Again, this has nothing do with how awesome your content is. Believe it or not rather mediocre content can still go viral or at least produce impressive results if they are marketed properly using the right influence networks.

Oftentimes, a lower quality version of an existing meme ends up getting more eyeballs than the meme it is based on because the ‘right people’ retweeted it. This is especially true of ‘floating’ political memes which seem to have been around for what feels like forever. All of a sudden, they either get a new lease on life or truly gain traction when a big political personality retweets or shares them. Focus on getting your stuff in front of the right eyeballs. In other words, target the right influence networks.

Thanks to the rise of social media, identifying and engaging with people in influence networks has become so much easier.

Friday, January 27, 2023

Keys to success

Treating people with respect wins trust and develops lasting relationships. 

Here is what to do: 

Be on time

In fact, arrive early for appointments and meetings. Plan time milestones in your daily schedule
that tell you when to begin transferring to an appointment.
That is, note when you will stop working on a task, begin collecting resource materials,
and start traveling. Allow time for delays in travel, especially if driving.
Consider: The fastest way to destroy peoples trust in you is to waste their time. 

Communicate with others  

Answer your phone and return phone calls. Listen carefully and completely
when people talk to you. Show an interest in others before telling about yourself.
When making phone calls devote all of your attention to what the other person is saying
(instead of time sharing with other tasks, such as checking e-mail or playing computer games).
Phone others only when you can devote full attention to what the other person is saying.
Consider: ignoring people is rude and unprofessional.

Plan projects  

For example, always prepare an agenda for meetings.
Contact key participants before the meeting to hear their views,
solicit suggestions for agenda items, and coach them on how to prepare
for the meeting. Send agendas far enough before the meeting so that people
have time to prepare.
Consider: Bad meetings demonstrate an inability to provide leadership. 

Be courteous

Find the good in everyone. Compliment others. Avoid starting or listening to gossip.
Never ridicule, insult, or make fun of other people. Use positive words,
always speaking about what you want and how you want things to be.
Avoid suggesting motives or assigning judgments for other peoples actions and views.
Consider: Discourtesy damages all relationships.

Help others

Be a mentor for newcomers. Share ideas.
Teach people skills that will help them excel.
Work with a spirit of abundance. Seek win/win results.
Let others speak first, even on issues where you are an expert.
Give first without attaching a receipt for return favors.
Consider: Selfish people end up working harder.